Moldova is between Ukraine and Romania. It is a very small and was very interesting to visit. I went on a Service trip from Appleby College with 3 adults and 10 students. We worked at the Orphanage #2 in Chisinau. This is a picture of traditional Moldovan costumes in a tiny museum-like house at a place where there was a monastary for monks built into a stone wall and in caves.

On our way to Chisinau we had a 4 hour stop over in Vienna, Austria. We caught a bus to the downtown are of Vienna. This was one of the buildings there. There were beautiful buildings and statues.

This picture was taken from one of the gun holes in the fort in Sorocco, the gypsy capital of Moldova. It is an Orthodox Christian Cathedral. Often there aren't any pews in them, the people stand for the service. This way more people can fit inside. There were a lot of Cathedrals' around Moldova.

This is the main road from Chisinau to Sorocco. It was hard packed dirt and our driver, Igor, drove slowly and tried to avoid the huge pot holes. There were small villages along the way where all the houses were and the huge fields of very dark and rich soil for as far as you can see. There weren't any farm houses in the fields only in the village areas.

This a a picture of a building at the Orphange #2 in Chisinau. The children here were from 7 years of age to 15. We sanded down the playground equipment and painted it and made some outdoor benches and installed them around the grounds. There were two other buildings like this one, two for residence and one for the school.

This is looking down the hallway inside one of the residences. The girls from Appleby painted a mural on one of the walls in one building. The children in the orphanage slept 4 in a bedroom and there were 4 single beds in the rooms. The parents of these children could not afford to feed them and look after them so during the school year they would come here for education and room and board. About 200 of the children had no parents. There were 500 children at the orphanage and 200 more were coming from other orphanages in the next 2 months.

When were were in Sorocco we visited a tower where people would come to pray and it overlooked this beautiful river. On the right of the river is Ukraine and on the left is Moldova.

We had 8, 16 year old girls with us painting outside in the playground. The young boys from the orphanage came and visited us every day to talk and tease the girls. They loved trying to teach us Moldovan and they like to try out our English words too. Each student took a bag of donations for the orphanage and a bag for their own clothes.

Our Moldovan leader, Igor, loved music and therefore treated us to 2 nights at the Filharmonic, an Accordian Concert and a Violin/Piano Concert. The music was awesome. Igor worked for Projects Abroad. He made us feel so very welcomed. He fed us really well too, soup, bread, pork, potatoes, soup, bread, ...

This is the beautiful tower shaped like a candle on top of a hill in Sorocco. We had to walk up 567 steps to see the inside of the tower.