Beautiful Milk Weed in seed back on Joan and Dan's land. Joan, sister, and Dan, have a beautiful 200 acre farm at the head of Amherst Island where we live in the summer and have our Cafe'. Joan is my younger sister. It's been great living closer to Mom, in Napanee, my brother and family in Newburgh and sister and family in Selby. It's the first time since highschool that I have lived near my brother and sisters and Mom. I'm loving it. I have met people that I haven't seen for 40 years. It's like a time warp. I lived on the Island in the 60's with my family and we made cheese in Stella.
This is the Reid Harvest Fest on the Front Road on the Island. It's like a small Fall Fair. They had pie contests, jams, preserves, making apple cider, cows, sheep, blacksmithing, a bake table and FABULOUS live music.
Some of the cows at Harvest Fest.
Anthony singing at CJAI, 92.1 Island Radio. He was the Ellis Wolfrey's show, The Wolf Den.
Isn't this a great picture. It hangs at the Radio station and I just love it.
Deb and I enjoying a Coke in the front lawn of the Cafe'. Sometimes we are really busy and sometimes we have time to visit with friends.
Keith and Michelle at Friday Night Sing along. We had a Sing along every Friday night for the season. It was a lot of fun and we had a variety of singers, and musicians attend.
Diane and Michelle at the Friday night sing along. They were great singers and drummers.
Sheep at the Harvest Fest.
Me singing and playing mandolin at the sing along with Diane behind me. I have been playing the mandolin for the last 5 years to have a different sound to play along with Anthony's guitar.
Bierma's Thanksgiving at Stella's Cafe'. My brother Robert cutting the turkey and sister Joan making the gravy in the background. It makes it really easy to feed 15 or so people when you own a restaurant. We closed at 7:30 at night and served the turkey at 7:31 for the family.
Two nieces, Chelsea and Kerry at the Thanksgiving Dinner.
Rebecca, Chelsea and Kerry.
Nephews Tom and Brian with Rebecca, sister, Joyce and Chelsea.
Ryan, Chelsea, Rebecca and Dan.
Mom and very good friend, Gayel.
Great nephew, Mavrick.
Sister Joyce, her son, Tom, Anthony and Tom's partner Kerry.
Our Cafe'. Our trailer that we sleep in in the summer is in the backyard. Right now we're sleeping at Joan and Dan's because it's too cold in the trailer.
The Monarch Butterflies loved the Zinnias that Anthony and Sally Bowen planted. They planted our front flower bed. It looked wonderful.
Our neighbour and local Black Smith made these spider legs. Paul is a very artistic and clever guy. He makes sunflowers and birds and fire pits and they are all very beautiful.
This is my beautiful Zinnia garden in the front of the Cafe'.
Inside Stella's Cafe'.
This is our menu on the wall.
Paul's spider legs. Let me know if you want to purchase a pair.
Julie our neighbour hung out her team's laundry. It looked so cute.
Kingston is so beautiful in the fall. I went for a walk and took pictures, bought cheese at Cooke's, bought purple and orange cauliflower at the market and went to the library and visited Queens University, my Alma mater.
Full Moon or Fall Solstice Party at Jackie and Tom Sylvester's on the South Shore of the Island. They have an outdoor bread oven and Tom made the bread and they had a potluck. It was a great time visiting and eating and the moon was so bright.
Who's hair is the longest? Granddaughter or the grandfather. This time Hazel wins. Last time Anthony won.
The Frontenac II coming into dock. This is our ferry to the Island. We can buy a book of 100 tickets for $3 each. If you buy them singly it's $9.00 return. It takes 15 minutes and is a great time to read, sleep or visit.
This is our Pink Room at Joan and Dan's. When we are too cold to sleep in the trailer we go to Joan and Dan's to sleep. They have been most generous with their home. Thanks so much Joan and Dan.
Joan and Dan's friend Sheila and Sheila's sister at Dan's September Kitchen Party. Lots of great music.
Keith, our harmonica player and Anthony playing the electric bass.
Dan on the stand up bass and Sheila on the guitar and both of them singing.
Dan's Music Room it's in the house. It sure gets full on the nights of the Kitchen Party's.
Sheila's sister, my sister Joan and Sheila at the Kitchen Party in the back kitchen.
Daughter Sarah, Anthony and daughter Kate in Toronto.
Sarah and me.
Son-in-law, Rich, daughter Kate and Dad, Anthony.
Kate is due on Feb. 16th and she is having a girl. We're all so excited. Way to go Rich and Kate.
We stayed over night at Doris and Jim's in Toronto. Thanks so much for letting us stay at your place and feeding us. We had a great visit.
Doris puts peanuts on the rail and the Cardinals and Bluejays and squirrels come and eat the peanuts. It's great to watch.
I think this would be a very good picture to try to paint. This is on the way down to Lakeshore Yacht Club from Doris'.
Sharon and Jim bought this new boat. What a cute boat. I loved it.
They are unmasting at the Club this weekend in October.
This is where we used to live for many years, 7 I think. It was fun seeing if any of the many trees that I planted lived and if any of the flowers lived. I also built a labyrinth but the weeds filled it all in. Two of my trees that I brought from Val's lived and are getting bigger.
A beautiful tree in Colonel Samuel Smith Park.
Anthony and Doris walking down the path.
Sarah's cat Suki.
Also Sarah's cat and Suki's brother, Arie.
The DVP on a rainy day. Heading out of town.
Anthony and I went to workshop on "Building Straw Bale Homes" in Havelock area. Here is Anthony on a walk around the Robin's Nest Retreat.
It's Fall.
Amazing colours. I look at colours differently now because of my Painting Class at Shirley's on the Island.
This is a straw bale building.
This is the window in our room. See how deep the windowsill is? That's the width of the straw bale. I think it looks so warm.
The straw bale retreat.
Anthony in the woods.
Anthony and me out for a walk in the woods.
This is our business card for the restaurant.
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Son, Michael and Granddaugher Hazel in Ottawa. Hazel is reading. |
This is Julie, Jack and Beth. They are Guest Chefs for our Friday Night Celebrity Chef Night. Beth made amazing Beef Borgnoigne, I forget how to spell it. Mashed Potatoes and a fresh vegetables. Most Friday's we had a guest chef or chefs come into the Cafe' and make a meal of their choice.Next year I hope to have Guest Chef's every Friday Night. People were so kind to volunteer and it always turned into a great party. We served up to 60 some people at times and EVERY Friday night was a huge success. Lots of great food and laughing and visiting... followed by the Friday Night Sing along. Thanks soooo much to all of our guest chefs over the season. I didn't get pictures of every guest chef, sorry guys, I'll try harder next year to get every one's picture taken.
Leah, on the left, and her Mom, Randy. They made wonderful food, curry soup, Thai chicken and basmati rice. Yummmmm so good. Thanks Randy and Leah.
Some beautiful flowers in the window at the restaurant. Sally Bowen gave me a bouquet of flowers for every week we have been open both seasons. Thanks to you Sally. Ellie Gowan has been giving me flowers too this fall. Thanks so much. I bought more vases and had flowers in every window. When the sun shone through and picked up the colours on the flowers it was so radiant.
I went on a bus trip to Upper Canada Playhouse with the Women's Institute. We saw a play and ate at a very nice restaurant and saw the lock on the St. Lawrence Seaway. This is a beautiful old home we toured.
Betty Wemp invited me. We sat together and had a good time. Betty was also Guest Chef for us three times this summer. Thanks Betty. I also purchased pies and quiche from Betty.
Victoria was guest chef and Karen assisted her. Karen also made pies for us. Ida made pies for us too but I didn't get a picture of her yet. Victoria made a great meal. Thanks so much to Victoria and Karen.
Victoria and Paul are also our neighbours... great neighbours.
Friday night sing along: Gayel, Jean, Marjorie, Janet, Diane and Anthony's hair.
Diane on the bongos, Diane and Michelle's friend, Don and Liz.
Keith on the harmonica. He is soooooo gooooood.
Dan and Joan's cows.
Dan and Anthony back in the fields.
Guest chef, Saskia and partner and helper Jeff. Wonderful lasagna and flat bread. Thanks so much for all your help.
Sister Joan, brother-in-law, Dan and Anthony enjoying one of the Friday Night Guest Chef's meals.
Good friend Gayel and Mom singing at the Sing along.
Great friends, Marjorie and her sister Jean. It was a good summer with having Jean visit us often.
Guitarists Alan Caughey, in the foreground, and guitarist Rick Henderson in the background.
Beth Caughey on the keyboard and Dan is injured here ... he usually plays the bass. Dan got trampled by a cow while working at the Footflat's farm. The cow tossed him and then ran over him. He broke his shoulder and damaged his spleen and was very bruised and he was off work for two plus months.