This is my latest granddaughter, Rachel Christine Black, born on January 31 in Calgary to Jerri and Victor. This is number 6. She is my name sake. I was so glad I got pictures right away. What a cutie put-tu-ty!! A welcomed sister to Madeline, Becca, Michael, Mathew and Roland.
The Blog is no longer in chronological order because I bought one of those fancy little external hard drives to put all my pictures on and it proceeded to dump or hide them all. Bev, a fellow boater, livaboard and computer guru, has it now and is working on finding the files on it. She assures me they are not lost.....forever, just for now. So I still have some pictures left, not all and now they are not in chronological order. So now I have to get creative.

This gives you a bit of an idea HOW MUCH snow we got so far this winter.

What a beautiful, snowy winter we have had at the club. This is a pic of the flower beds totally covered in snow. It is just gorgeous down here. It has been toasty warm on the boat and once we got frozen in, only for a day. We have two swans that are around the boats in the open water. It's awesome to see them in the freezing cold water, looking so comfortable.

This is a little lawn ornament that is still in the gardens at Lakeshore Yacht Club. Notice where his hand is. I thought it looked like a cool picture.

This term at school I volunteered to help with the Digital Photography Co-curricular. It was a lot of fun. I got to meet some senior students that I wouldn't have been involved with if I hadn't helped out. This is one of my pictures. We learned to work with Photo Shop and we visited the Art Gallery in Oakville, Fortinos, Kensington Market and the Royal Botanical Garden in Burlington. I loved the time with the kids and the Art teacher, Erin. I learned soooo much.

This is sister Diane and brother-in-law Dick from Washington and they are .... at the Great Wall of China. They went to visit brother David and sister-in-law Amy in China this past year and Diane just sent me some great pictures of them while they were there. What a fabulous place to go.
Anthony working..??.....this is part of Anthony's Work/Retirement Day. He is in the crow's nest in our boat reading. He has been doing a lot of writing and just came back from Ottawa where Michael helped him set up a webpage. I haven't seen it yet but I'll put it on my blog as soon as I know what the address is. Anthony is still bicycling in the snow and enjoys visiting friends, playing guitar, singing, playing darts. He went to Prince George for a few days to visit with Ginny and Wayne.

Anthony and I are all dressed up for the Appleby Christmas Party. Doris let me borrow her necklace. I don't have a lot of jewelry. Aren't we amazingly different looking than our usual attire. The party was fab. Beautiful decorations and marvelous food; salad bar, dessert bar, seafood bar, hors d'oeuvres bar, free alcohol, wine, beer, and cocktails, breads, sushi bar, dinner buffet, chicken crepes, cheese plates, and on and on.
great pictures Judy!
I know you're heading out this summer so remember as it thaws, we'll have a bbq and drinks in our backyard before you take off. can you remind me what your cell number is?
Hey Judy - just found all these neat websites through your email ;)
Love the pics, especially the one of you and Anthony all dressed up for the Christmas party, you both look good! :)
Thanks for writing this.
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