Leaving Toronto at 10:00 am this morning on Tuesday, June 15. It was a beautifully sunny day and we are very excited to start our adventure on the sea.

The landscape from the plane makes a huge change as we headed into Labrador, so many trees, no houses, no highways, so much water, so much wilderness, just beautiful.

It was a milk run on Sunwing. We came down in Gander to drop some people off and pick some up then onto St. John's and then the plane was going to Halifax and back to Toronto. It was like a bus. There was nothing in Gander except the airport. It was beautiful, gorgeous trees and water.

Next airport was St. John's then a taxi to City Hostel on Gower Street. They had just opened another house so we were moved to Prescot Street.

The houses are very colourful, wooden and attached or touching with no front yards. The streets are very hilly and the hills are very steep.

This is a huge Anglican Church in downtown St. John's, an awesome building, just huge.

We walked a lot, up to Churchill Square to Karen's brother's restaurant for supper, Mexican, and then we walked for another 2 or 3 hours around the harbour front and the streets downtown. We found one sailboat and asked the captain if Jim could dock there when he arrived on Carmen1 from Cape Breton. We're hoping he'll arrive on Thursday. He called yesterday or the day before to say that he and Tony were leaving Cape Breton that day heading for St. John's Harbour.

The middle house, 50 Prescot is where we're staying in a bedroom at the back. It's a very old house, newly painted. We share a washroom with one other bedroom on our floor and have a common living room downstairs and a common kitchen. We bought granola and bananas for breakfast, and vodka and rum for night caps.

This is a picture of the terrain in Labrador, isn't it just gorgeous.
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