New York here we come.

We were on the sea wall at 79th Street Boat Basin in New York. It was very, very rocky tied to the sea wall. We spent a lot of the time walking and not sitting on boat.

Time to go up and have a shower and to do our laundry.

The buildings were very tallllllll.

Very ornate buildings.

Sally and I infront of the Natural History Museum.

In Central Park.

More very, very tall buildings.


We tried to get tickets for the David Letterman show but they weren't filming until the end of October. We were so sad.

Me in Times Square.

Sarah and Kate this one is for you. It was bigger than life.

Sal and Anthony in Times Square.

Anthony and I in Times Square.

There were lots of taxis.

The Empire State Building.

A wooden escalator in Macy's. I thought was pretty different and old.

We took the subway to Ground Zero.

Ground Zero was all cranes. They were building a park of water walls.

Some of the many people that helped with 9/11.

We had coffee here. It was used as a medical station. The two World Trade Centres were across the street. It is absolutely amazing these buildings are still standing and look undamaged.

Some ot the doors are beautiful and there were a lot of apartments below the sideswalks like this one.

This boat was docked infront of us. It was build by Pete Seager to raise awareness of the pollution on the Hudson river. It was beautiful.

These people were protesting in Broadway Avenue.

The boat that Pete Seager had built.

See the dark mast in the very back, that's us.


There weren't many convenience stores but a lot of these little kiosks.

Kate and Sarah I thought you would like this picture. There were lots of kiosks on the sidewalks with bags.

This was a really rainy, rough day and these people were out kayaking. Wow, I was in awe.

We stayed in New York 3 nights I think. We could have stayed 3 months to take everything in and then there would be more to see. It was pretty rainy the whole time we were there.
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