Anthony, me, Ludmila and Bohdan at the Mangroves on Grand Bahama Island.

Me, playing with my shadow on the board walk.

Gold Beach, where they filmed Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3. What a beautiful, huge beach with only 5 people on it with us. The sand is indescribably white and the water just a gorgeous turquoise.

Gold Beach at low tide.

My honey on Gold Beach.

My shadow on Gold Beach.

Another one of Gold Beach.

Walkway to the Caves.

Boardwalk in the Mangroves.

The Mangroves. A lot of small fish start out here are protected until they are bigger and go out to the ocean. It's so beautiful.

What Anthony is holding is a piece of coral with a branch growing out of it. It kind of looks like a head with antlers, very strange. We went for a walk through the caves and to Gold Beach through the mangroves. Such beautiful foliage.

This is s Century Tree. It blossoms only every 100 years. It looks very different than the other trees on the island.

We went to Banana Bay for lunch and there was this Canadian Fish there. It was so nice to see a souvenir of Canada here in the Bahamas. The food was fantastic.

What a gorgeous day. I laid in the hammock for awhile, took pictures and ate great food.

Wednesday night is Fish Fry night and here we are at the Fish Fry on Taino Beach. You can get chicken too, rice and peas, conch fritters, coleslaw, mac and cheese, sweet potato bread, coconut tart and guava duff. Then lots of loud, dancing music with lots of dancing going on. One Wednesday when it was really cold we had a beach fire. That was really nice.

Chicken frying.

Me in front of Ocean Reef Yacht Club.

This is the view from Santy's apartment. We were invited to a house/apartment warming party to make music and this is his view.....just awesome, looking at the Ocean.

Here we are making music at Santy's with Hazel Whyte, Irene and Bob, Jeff and Nicole, Jim and Sharon and Santy.
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