Robert, Ning Ning's husband very kindly showed us around where he works. He works at "The Dolphin Experience" out of Unexco in Port Lucaya. So we got to touch and be in the water with a dolphin.

I took these pictures in the Unexco store where we caught the boat out to where the dolphins are.

This is a Hammer Head Shark.

The Three Mosquitoes on our way to the Dolphin Experience.

This is the boat we went on.

This is the big Resort in Port Lucaya, we're on the Ocean. The Resort looks like a Cruise Ship without the whale tail on the back.

Another resort, along the way.

This is the young dolphin we got to be in the water with and we were allowed to touch her and pet her. She was pregnant.

Diane and I, in the water with the young dolphin. The instructor gave the dolphin hand signs to do certain things, swim out, swim in, go to right, go to left, up, swim in a circle. She fed the dolphin treats too when the dolphin did what she was asked to. We were instructed not to put both hands in the water, only one and move slowly and don't pet her on her head, only behind her breathing spout. It was very interesting. They have acres of water with divisions so that some dolphins can be separated from other dolphins. I think they had 30 or so dolphins and they take a group of them out to the Ocean for divers to dive with. The dolphins follow the company boat out and back in because they are fed from the boat. A number of dolphins were born here too which is a good sign, meaning the dolphins are healthy here and will breed here too.

I'm getting a little kiss.

Look at her shoot through the air...it's a bird...it's a plane...no it's Susie the Dolphin.

Here she is talking to us. She was so smooth and her skin was very tight...amazing.

They had cockatoos and .... what are these one's called?????? Isn't he beautiful. What an amazing day.

There are many different kinds of dolphins and porpoises. This place is a research centre for the betterment of dolphins.
This is Robert, Ning Ning's husband. A huge thank you to you Robert for a wonderful and educational day and for looking after all the dolphins and doing the research.
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