Iºm way behind on my blogging and I have soooo many pictures. Iºm using a Portugese key board so there will be some typos. Sorry. This is me being SCREECHED IN at the Foggy Rock Hostel by Angela and her grandparents. You had to down a jigger of SCREECH and not leave a drop, have some Newfie steak, bologna, Kiss the Puffinºs bottom and say something in Newfie, ´May you jib be full, or something like that. The Grandpa wore oilskins and told us what to repeat and then we were ummmmm touched on our shoulders with a wooden, sword and delcared Newfies. It was a lot of fun.

This is me and Angela the young woman who ran the Foggy Rock Hostel. She gave us bedding for the boat and was so helpful and good to us. She drove us around and was there everyday to give us information.

Well we actually started out of St. Johnºs Harbour twice. Here is our first, first day of our trip at sea, June 26th around noon. As you can see Anthony is very happy to get going and is holding the tiller in his hand which we held for two hours every two hours all the way across the Atlantic, yes, we hand steered the boat for 13 days.

Here we are on the first, first day still trynig to leave the St. Johnºs Harbour. As you can see it was very, very foggy. We called the Coast Guard to tell them we were leaving and to let them know our plans so they could keep an eye on us and they informed us, first that it was too busy right then for us to go when the fog was so thick, just outside the harbour were a bunch of fishing boats coming and it would be better if we waited till the next day and they said that once we were out of Canadian Waters they would not be following our progress. Ummm that was a surprise to us, so we called Jim Lewis and told him if he didntºt hear from us in 3 weeks that he should do what he needed to do to find us or let the powers that be that we were missing. He was our Canada Coast Guard.

Captain James Christie at the helm, checking out that fog.

This the next day and is our Day 1 at sea, June 27 at noon. This is the battery on the port side of St. Johnºs Harbour just below Signal Hill. I love the colours.

Here we are at sea. What you see in front is Cape Spear. We sailed around that and then off to the Azores.

Anthony at the helm. We saw one iceberg in the water. We did 2 hour shifts at night and 3 hour shifts in the days with some variations. At night we had 2 in the cock pit and 2 sleeping. Often we had dolphins swimming beside us and squeaking at us and once we saw a whale spouting water in the distance. There were always birds playing in the wind and the waves and lots and lots of water. It was quite cold, three layers of clothes whenever we were in the cockpit.

Sally the rain suit you gave me for the bike was great, warm and dry and big enough to put two layers on underneath it. Captain James gave me a crew hat to wear. The soft bimini and the soft dodger were great for keeping us dry. The first two days were very foggy, lumpy and wet.
Hey Judy and Gang! The line for the screech in is: "Indeed I is me ol' trout, and long may you big jib draw". Thought I'd let you know cause it looked like you had trouble remembering. I think you guys will always be my most memorable guests :) I'm enjoying following your blog..following the adventure. Take care guys,
Angela (St.John's - Foggy Rock)
oops..typo..it's "your big jib.."
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