This is what we saw for 12 days before we finally spotted land, Corvo, a volcanic island in the Azores. This was a wet, foggy day and we were out there in the middle, all by ourselves, or it seemed that way. You can't see anything but sky and water. It is unreal.

Anth coming of watch. For 13 days and 1 hours, that's how long it took us to sail to Horta, we were on 2 and 3 hour watches. At night we were on watch for 2 hours and sleeping for 2 hours and 2 people on each watch. Did I already tell you this? And we hand steered the boat with the tiller the whole way.

Look at the smile. He is loving it. He's got the tiller in his right hand. We had the wind on our port side the whole way to Horta. Where were those Southwesterlies???? We never found them and we never had to change tack. For 13 days we sailed on a port tack. Unreal!!!!!!

This is Jim's friend, Tony.

Jim's up on the fore deck in the middle of the night with Tony... reefing the sail or putting up the whisker pole or... I can't remember what they did but they were up there. They wore survival suits and harnesses and clipped themselves onto the boat.

We had pretty great sails, 4 knots, 5, 6, and even 7. Sometimes 1, 2 also. We motored twice, once because there was no wind and the second time to correct the course and the wind was on our nose. Most of the days were just beautiful, even the rainy days were beautiful.

There's sailor Jude, I think I look like I just am finishing a watch. I don't look too energetic. That's my lucky sailor hat. It's still cold, I've got 2 layers of clothes on and my lifejacket. Thank you Sally for the foul weather gear. I wore it every watch on the way from St. John's to Horta.

Peaceful as a baby. Sometimes while on watch, Anth and I did our watches together and one of us would sleep in the cockpit and the other steer and stare at the compass. Those cockpit benches sure are narrow and hard but you could still go to sleep on them. Anth took over my favourite little blue pillow.

The compass reads 145 degrees. We steered pretty straight or on the same course most of the way. We had to go around Faial to get to Horta so we had to change course for a bit and we went in between Corvo and Flores. That was an experience.....ROUGH... AND CHOPPY!!!!!
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