This is my little office on the boat...my computer....my CD Walkman to play CDs, speakers for the computer or walk man and there is a fan right beside me that can blow on me and a hatch and two ports to get a cross wind. It is very comfortable.

Looking across to the settee with a knapsack that Niall's parents gave me, Maureen and Brian. Inside the knapsack are plates, silverware, thermos, plastic containers, cooler bag, cups, mugs, everything you would ever need for a picnic. I use it every time we have a pot luck, it's soooo handy. Thank you very much Maureen and Brian for such a perfect gift.

It's Monday again and we're at Beacon School. The kids are awesome. I really enjoyed this guy. Doris picked us up at 12:45 on her lunch hour.

The school goes from six years old to eighteen. It's great working with all the ages. This guy was a natural.

Sometimes we didn't have enough guitars to go around but the kids loved playing with the maracas and bells and tambourine.

I was really amazed how quickly they learned to imitate how to hold and strum the guitar.

We had 3 or 4 students at a time.

Anthony didn't teach chords yet...that was pretty difficult....he worked on singing and strumming and holding the guitar correctly.

I didn't play guitar....I played the tambourine and sang and did crowd control.

What a great bunch of kids. Our favourite songs were: Jingle Bells, This is the Day, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, Old Macdonald, He's Got the Whole World, This Little Light of Mine, Sloop John B....
Lots of great names: Willijean, Kyra, Tylea, Veshante, Jayden, David, Angelo, Antonio, Kashana, Cashana, Lytania, Dario, Philemenia, Brandon, Christopher, Xavier, Ashley, Raymond, Henry, Desmond, Edmond....
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