Doris' backyard at her studio. I love the clothes line...so practical and reminds me of when I was a child and we had clothes lines too.

This is Doris standing beside a HUGE cactus.

Doris has all sorts of great fruit trees and avocado, lime, mango, etc. I can't tell the difference between the trees but I will learn them. Some have fruit right now and with some of them the fruit is to come.

This is a Jamaican tree/bush. Miss Brown, Doris' friend knows what it is and it has some medicinal properties.

This is Doris' studio, where she makes the Batiked material for her clothing line. It is the home where they raised their children and it is the home that is closest to her grandchildren's school so that they can come there after school to be picked up by their parents later in the day. This is where Doris goes after school hours to work on her batiking and dress making and looking after her grandchildren.

Here we are going over the bridge that goes over the canal that cuts right through the Grand Bahama Island. We are on our way to Doris and Chris' house.

This is Doris driving her car. She has a car with the steering wheel on the right side. Every time we go to get in the car, Anthony, tries to get in the driver's side.

Me and Susie. Doris' youngest grandchild. She is sooooo cute and she didn't make strange with me. That made me feel very welcomed.

Me and Jonathan...one of the twins, Hausa's children.

This is the fabulous meal Doris and Hausa treated us to when we were at Doris and Chris' home...rice, shrimp, pork, and lots of fresh veggies.

Susie is standing on the foundation of the rest of the house that Chris and Doris are building. They had to save up to build and in order to build they had to build and enclose or finish what they could afford to completely pay for so they have a living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom completed and where Susie is standing will be the studio and more rooms that can't be started until they have enough money to finish it. There aren't any mortgages. The building laws are a bit different than the ones we have in Canada, I don't totally understand them.

This is Jonathan and his brother Micah.

This is Desmond, a cousin to Susie, Micah and Jonathan.

These two guys are brothers, Micah and Christopher, oh man, I'm not sure it's Christopher. Doris' I'll have to email you and check and make sure what your grandson's name is. What a terrible memory I have.

This is Gammy Doris...and granddaughter Susie and grandson Micah or is it Christopher.

Anthony and the boys. They were absolutely great kids, soooo mannerly and interesting to talk to.

Hausa, Doris and Chris' daughter and mother to the five children; Micah, Christopher, Jonathan, Shalomie, and Susie. Hausa and her husband live in High Rock at the east end of the island.

Desmond and me.

This is the view from Doris and Chris' house onto the canal, they are in the country, rural....so beautiful.

Doris is going to use this building for some of her Batiking.

This is the back of Chris and Doris' home.

This is Shalomie, Jonathan's twin sister.

Jonathan in the van.

The whole gang in the van.

Hey, Shalomie.

Hey, Jonathan.
I went to a Fashion Show that Doris was putting on with her line of Batikhed clothing. Hausa helped the models to dress and I babysat the little ones. They were so good for me...it was a lot of fun. They had food afterwards for everyone, coconut tarts, tuna sandwiches, deviled eggs, crackers, etc. It was great seeing everyone visiting and enjoying the food and clothing. Doris did an awesome job with the clothes. She's making me a little sun dress and Anthony a shirt. I hope to learn how to make the material when I go back in the fall.
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