Went to visit sister Joan and Dan on Amherst Island and looked at this cute little restaurant that was for sale. It was owned by Susan Tuomey and hadn't been open for 5 years. Gary Filson and Sue built it and ran it from 1990 to 1999 then Susan bought it and ran it from 2000 to 2005 then it was closed for 5 years.

The ferry, Frontenac II that runs from Millhaven to Amherst Island.

Our car on the boat.

Kensington Market in Toronto.

A picture at Kensington Market. I love walking through Kensington.

This was our car. When we got back to Toronto we decided to put our 626 Mazda on the road. I called and insured it, went to the License Registration and updated my registration and then went to pick it up at Kate's place, drove it down Lakeshore Boulevard and before I even got it to Doris' I was in an accident at an intersection and it was totalled. Oh Man! No one was hurt but I had just insured it 8 hours before...it turned out to be an OK story. No one was hurt in the other car either. The tow truck driver was a huge amount of help. Since it was the other lady's fault my rental car was covered and in a week we bought another Mazda from our mechanic Rob, a Protege, two years newer than our old car. It is standard gear shift too but doesn't have any of the fancy stuff the old one had like the locking system or air conditioning, etc. but runs great and we are most thankful to Rob for helping us out with another car.

There were three signets at LSYC this June. Aren't they cute. They are Mute Swans.

Here's the Mummy taking them for a swim, so cute.

This is a park in Mississauga.

This is the point where our boat used to be in Toronto in Colonel Samuel Smith Park. Isn't it beautiful?

Downtown Toronto. We lived there for 20 years and I loved it.

Ruth at Fat Albert's Folk Night on Cecil Street at the Steel Workers Building. We have been going to Fat Albert's for 5 or 6 years and have really enjoyed it. We haven't gone since we moved to Amherst Island but we did go to an Open Mic in Wellington on Wednesday nights in the summer and enjoyed that.

Every year I have wanted to help Sharon Nielson with Sailing for People who are Visually Impaired or Blind at Bronte Yacht Club but because of teaching I could never make it because it was held in June. Finally last June I got to participate and I loved it. This woman is Visually Imparied and was sailing on the boat I was on. I always wanted my students to participate but it didn't happen. I sure enjoyed it. Thanks Sharon for the opportunity.

Two Mute Swans at the beach near where my daughter, Sarah, lives in Toronto. There are hundreds of Mute Swans in Toronto and a lot of them stay all winter now. When I first moved to Toronto there weren't any swans there.
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