This is my Aunt Doris and Uncle Acton. My cousin, Arthur, is standing behind his dad, Uncle Acton. Aunt Doris and Uncle Acton are brother and sister to my Grandmother. There were 10 children in James and Florence Hayes' family and the Hayes Family Picnic was started over 50 years ago. I think. My cousin Janet keeps track of all the happenings and geneology so she will know the facts better than me.

My cousin Arthur Hayes holds the Hayes Family Picnic the last number of years at his home on Hay Bay. I'm not sure it's Hay Bay or Long Reach. Arthur you'll have to email me and correct me about what body of water your place is on. I have sailed it 3 or 4 times and think it's called Long Reach.

It's a potluck. Everybody brings something to eat and we put it on a long table and then go up and help ourselves. I have gone to the Family Picnic for many years and since I was very young. I remember them having races for the kids and games where you could win prizes. The Shoe Kicking Contest to see how far you could kick your shoe. The Nail Hammering Contest to see how many times it took you to hammer a nail into a stump. The least number of times would win.

This is my cousin, Janet, she is Uncle Vic and Aunt Thelma's daughter. Sadly Uncle Vic, my grandmother's brother, and Aunt Thelma have passed. I miss all the older people who have passed and have always been at the Picnic for as long as I can remember.

We sit on lawn chairs and visit with cousins, aunts and uncles that we often only see at the Family Picnic. It's a great time to catch up and see how much the kids have grown.

People come from Toronto, Ottawa, Peterborough, Brockville and the area around Napanee.

This is me and my cousin Arthur's wife, Bea. Thanks Bea for hosting the Family Picnic.

My sister, Joyce, she's in charge of the games and prizes.

More cousins. There are around 50 people at the picnic. I can remember when we used to have around 100. We have had the picnic at Uncle Laverne's, at the park in Napanee, at the park in Bellville, ummmm I think at Bon Echo, at Aunt Laura's, at Uncle Bud's, and other places that I can't remember.

More cousins.

Aunt Doris and Uncle Acton are now the Matriarch and Patriarch of the Hayes Family Picnic. They are the only children of James and Florence Hayes left to celebrate the family with us at the Picnic. I am sooooo greatful they are still here with us.

Aunt Doris and Uncle Acton.

My Aunt Laura, my Mom's sister, and me.

My cousin, Maxine.

Mom and brother, Robert.

My nephew, Tom, and his girlfriend, Kerry.

My great nephew, Mavrick, or is it grandnephew.
Thank you so much Arthur and Bea for having the family picnic. See you next summer, the second Sunday in July.
1 comment:
Thats nice to be able to have a family picnic every year. Good shots Jude. :)
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