These are two huge avocados from Doris and Chris' backyard at the Studio where Doris makes her dresses, tops, shirts, hip bags, etc. for her business. She brings the material from her home in Africa and batiks it here in the Bahamas and hires two tailors and two seamstresses to make the material into clothing and then sells to a place in Nassau, one in New York and I'm not sure where else. I'm hoping to sell some at the Cafe this summer and take the wears around Toronto to try and get her some places to sell the clothing. It is beautiful clothing and amazing material. I'll be showing more on my blog later.

The avocado tree. See the avocados in it. They were delicious.

This is the guest house in the backyard where Doris' Studio is. She rents it out.

This gorgeous tree is in the backyard of the guest house.

This is a wooden pattern Doris' used for batiking, I think. I'll have to ask her the next time I see her.

Diane and Marion singing, over at Marion's condo at Darshana. She is renting it to Bohdan right now, for the next 3 months.

John and Hank making music.

Bohdan on the mandolin. I'm on the mandolin too but it's hard to take a picture of myself while playing. I should have asked someone to take the picture...but I didn't.

Santy on his guitar. He bought Hazel's 12 string guitar last year. Hazel was a cruiser who was here last year with her husband Bill. She was a really good Scottish performer and I have a CD of hers.

My bicycle here in the Bahamas. I don't have a car so I can get to Freeport in a half hour from Ocean Reef and to Port Lucaya in half an hour from Ocean Reef on my bicycle. Bohdan has been most generous with driving us around to Gold Beach, High Rock Beach, West End, East End, grocery shopping and picking up friends at the Airport. Thank you so very much Bohdan.

This is the dock that the Swan is at this year. It's a lot quieter here but I don't get to see the yard staff as much. The tennis courts are right beside us and Ester's is close. I like the new place.

The tennis courts. I'm not playing as much as I did last year but I have played 6 or so times so far.

Gabe and Anna live right across from our boat. Gabe, Anna, Hank and I played tennis a few times.

Marion and I bicycled through Williamstown to the Haitian Cemetary at the end of the road. 36 Haitians drowned trying to get to Grand Bahama Island from Haiti in 1976.

I think it was really nice of the Bahamians to make a special monument for the Haitians that died and made a small cemetery for them.

This is the beautiful beach at the end of the road. It was a great bicycle ride. Thanks for coming with me Marion.

Looks like I might have been swimming.

Santy and Bo in the kitchen again. Both of them are great cooks and I'm learning lots for the opening of the Cafe next summer.

Marion and me. Marion is from England we met last year. Unfortunately she's heading back to England next Tuesday. She has already been here for 3 months. Marion I will really miss you.
1 comment:
Thanks again for all the beautiful pics Judy.
I wonder what kind of tree that is that's in the backyard of the guest house? It looks like some sort of berries or are they flowers? And those are big avocados
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