From the left to the right, John, Bohdan and Hank. This is our first visit to Hawksbill Yacht Club. Bohdan and Martin got together and planned an East Indian Meal for 35 people followed by music with Bohdan and friends (John, Hank, Diane, Marion, Santy and me). These guys are doing the pre-night warmup on the deck at Hawksbill in proper ... order ...something.

A lovely Hibiscus flower and Asparagus Fern for a centre piece set out by Maryanne the Commodore of the Club.

Chef Santy in the kitchen doing what he does BEST cook FABULOUS food. Santy is a prof at Ross University by the day and is from South Africa. Another wonderful friend that Bohdan introduced us too. He lives in an apartment on the beach close to us.

Santy and me. I was Santy's Little Helper.

OK, this is when I need Santy beside me to name these dishes but he's at work and I'm sitting on my boat in my computer perch....I'll name them and then get Santy to check the names and perhaps correct the names at a later date. This is Vegetable Curry.

This is Chicken Brianne. OK Santy just emailed me with the names of these dishes...so I can edit this posting. This is Chicken Briyani.

Special Potatoes...OK they are special potatoes but the real name is Aloo Fry (Curried Fried Potatoes).

Meat Curry

Indian Rice or Cardamon Pod Rice or .... Bombay Biryani

Pt....something...what is this called....you know, it's hard like chips, hot, very tasty....help me out here.With help from Jim Lewis and Santy I came up with the name of this dish, it is Papadums and they are delici-oso.

And Sally was here too. Now she is nursing in Nunuvet. Miss you Sal.

Bohdan and Friends: from left to right: Hank, me, Bohdan, Marion, Diane and John. We were the entertainment.

Great facility...it turned out that we served 75 people at $15 a head. The food was unbelievably delicious. We had lots of great helpers in the kitchen with Chef Santy. Joe was awesome at putting together the huge salad and putting it on ice in the fridge, which I thought would be a great idea for Stella's Cafe' back home....all that chopping. Diane, Hank, Martin, Marion, Joe, Maryanne, Rita and others all helped in the kitchen. If I forgot anyone let me know and I'll add them. Sorry my memory isn't the best. It gives your heart and soul a good feeling when you have worked hard at something and all are enjoying.

Marion and Diane are singing harmony. Both of them have wonderful voices. Remember Yellow Bird?

Hank, me and Boh. Hank was one of the Lead Singers and Guitarist's. These pictures are compliments of Paul and Sharon Lamont who were visiting from Lakeshore Yacht Club and staying on the boat with us. Anthony is still up in Canada waiting to hear about what could or might be done for his back to make it feel better.

Another one of our lead singers and guitarists, John Lodge, a friend of Bohdan's from Toronto who was staying at his unit in Darshana. Hank the other Lead Singer/Guitarist is on his Catamaran, Adanac, with his wife Diane and this is their 4th year here at Ocean Reef. They have sailed around the Bahamas and settled back here for awhile. They are both great musical people, lots of great harmonies and a lot of fun at Karaoke and the Singalongs.

The girls, Me, Marion and Diane.

Boh and me.


The Hawksbill Yacht Club Burgee. Anthony and I are going to join this week and we can get a burgee to fly too. It's been a fun place to go for Happy Hour on Friday's 6 to 7 and we continued to play there often on Friday nights. Thanks to the people at Hawksbill for welcoming us to their club.
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