Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Kate and Rich, Dawn, Monday Night Madness: Feb. 2011

Kate and a little girl that modeled crotcheted clothing.  She's a cutie, eh?  Katie too.

Dawn and me.  Dawn works at Ocean Reef.

On Saturdays a lot of American Timeshare people come and there are free Bahama Mamas and this man comes and plays the pan drums.

Linda and me.  Linda works at Grouper's Grill.

Chantel and me.  Chantel works at Groupers too.

Bouganvilla.  There are yellow ones too and white ones on the property.

Sharon in the V-berth.

Anthony and Dan playing guitar at Santy's apartment.

Santy and I cooking in his kitchen.

Santy the chef.  Santy is from South Africa and he teaches the med students at Ross University in Port Lucaya.  He is a very smart man and a fabulous cook.

Bohdan, Dan, Rich and Kate at Darshana.

Joan and Dan at the pool at Darshana.  It was soooooo great having them come to visit.

Sunset over the canal.


Clem and Rwanda serving the Bahamian food on Monday Night Madness.

Alec and Ray.

A traditional Bahamian meal, conch fritters, peas and rice, mac and cheese, corn and meat balls.

Bohdan and Kate.

Hank and Bohdan.

Anthony doing the Electric Slide at Groupers Grill.  What a COOL guy!!!!

Dancing at Groupers Grill on Monday Night, Charles, Kate, Dan and Joan.

Joan and Dan.

Kate dancing with her Dad.

Hank and Diane dancing.

Kate and her Dad.

Diane and Hank.

Rosie and me.

The little model and Charles.

The boaters at Monday Night Madness.

Gabe and Anna.  Anna I miss you this year.  Hope you will come and visit some time.  Gabe great to have you here.

Dan, Kate and Bohdan.

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