The Reid Family at the Kitchen Party at Dan and Joan's. Sandra helped us at the Cafe' last summer...thanks Sandra.
Musicians in Dan's music room on the night of the Kitchen Party.
Dr. Love (Keith) our harmonica player, Dorothy, who knows the words to every song and Anthony on the bongos.
Sheila and John. Great musicians and singers.
Sheila, Anthony and John performing.
Sorry, the Blog people stuck this pic of the Bahamas in here. I tried to drag it to the bottom but it wouldn't let me.
Sharon playing guitar and singing at Lakeshore Yacht Club.

Anthony, John and Bohdan playing at LSYC.
Jim and I singing and teasing each other.
Back to the Kitchen Party, my sister Joan and brother-in-law Dan.
Good friend Hazel and me.
Dan and Sheila.
The sky over Lake Ontario when I was on the ferry.
Me on the Frontenac II you can see the fly bridge of the ferry behind me.
It was a rough beautiful.
Jim and I.
Abby and me at LSYC.
Kat and Stella.
Stella's brother, Sheldon and Kat's son...oh come on...someone help me out what is his name...Kat...hellllp. Is it Ryan noooo Rawleigh. I can't remember how to spell it.
Good friends, Doris and Jim.
On our way to Freeport, Bahamas.
Look what I found in the magazine in the pocket on the plane...another Stella's Cafe' but this one is in Winnipeg.
What a view.
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