Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pics of Loa from FB, Rich's Truck, Ryan and Rebecca, etc.

The decal on Rich's truck is new.  Anyone in need of a General Contractor?  Rich Murrell is your guy.
 Nephew Ryan and his partner Rebecca in their backyard.  What a great Christmas Card idea.

Sarah, Kate and friends on New Years Eve.

Scenery, Sarah, Mom, Birding in the Backyard...

Clouds at the Park near Sarah's apartment in Longbranch.

Sarah, self-portraits.

Mom enjoying Robert and Noella's pool.

Miranda and a very pregnant Kate.

Ari, Sarah's King Cat.

Down at Sarah's beach.

Crazy me.

Sea glass or in Lake Ontario is it called Lake glass?

Birding at Janet's.  I took these pics through her scope.

Blue Jay.

Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Male and Female House Sparrows.

Male Downy Woodpecker.

Female Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Male and female House Sparrows.

A sick me on the couch.