Anthony reading in the reading perch. It's still a great place to read when it's raining outside.

Jonas and Ingrid's boat, "Ouhm", it is a 27 foot Brise. Jonas made it himself in Sweden and he and Ingrid sailed it from Sweden to Ocean Reef and now are in the States loving the intracoastal waters. It's a very unique boat.

Ingrid and Me.

Ingrid sitting on their boat. It took them 39 days to sail across the ocean from the Canary Islands to Guadeloupe then up to St. Martin and then San Salvador and then Ocean Reef to us.

Jonas wearing his safety vest to clip him to the boat. They are getting ready to go.

Ingrid...we had so much fun visiting with them again after 9 months and in a very different part of the world.

Here they go...they have a 2 horsepower motor.

Ingrid has her safety vest on too.

A square sail.

Bye, Ingrid and Jonas. We hope to see you again sometime.

Me on the BASRA rescue boat 1.

I joined BASRA as a volunteer and one day Tom called me to go around the canals with him to look for a boat, "Robin III" whose EPIRB had gone off and BASRA, Bahamas Air and Sea Rescue had to respond so he took me. I was thrilled. We went down to Port Lucaya and got in the Rescue boat and toured around the canals to look for the boat. This was a big fishing ship we went by. The fishermen in the Bahamas are not allowed to use nets for fishing so this boat never worked out as a business.

This was the boat, "Ghost" used in the movies "Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3".

This is another view of the boat.

Getting closer.

Going under a low bridge.

Look at those beautiful canal walls....made in the 1960's.

This outlet goes out to the ocean.

Some homes and resorts along the canal. Note they have dockage right in their front lawn if they live on the canal.

Buildings for the Dolphin Experience. You can sign up to scuba dive with the dolphins. They follow the lead boat out to the ocean and then the scuba divers dive with them. I really want to do it but it costs $200.

Some of the homes are absolutely beautiful.

This is one of the Dolphin tanks...where they keep the dolphins. Robert, Ning Ning's husband works here training the dolphins.

The Beach as we're heading out on the ocean.

They do have cormorants down here but they are not as plentiful as they are in Lake Ontario. You only see one or two at a time.

A Gazebo.

More huge beautiful homes with their boats in the front.

This is Tom, the BASRA guy. It turned out that the EPIRB going off was a dysfunctional EPIRB and all was well.
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