This is Stella, one of Ann and Chippie's dogs. I met Ann through Marion and we have been visiting every week. She picks me up and I go out to her place in Fortuna Place a subdivision east and north of Port Lucaya. It's a lovely home right on the Canal....the Port Lucaya Canal System. She raises Cockatiel's, Love Birds, and has 4 dogs. She sells a selection of lovely Bahamian Coin Cards at different shops on The Grand Bahama Island.

This is one pair of her Cockatiels who are laying eggs right now.

This is Henrietta, she was getting picked on by the other birds so Ann brought her in the house and gave her, her own cage in the kitchen. She loves it when you talk to her and she sings a lot when we put Michael Buble on. You know that Canadian singer that sounds like Frank Sinatra. How do you spell his last name? I don't have a French keyboard to make that e, ague????
This is GEE GEE, she's the youngest dog and loves to ride in the jeep with Ann and me.
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