We had a tornado....actually 2 tornadoes on the day that Paul and Sharon left. We didn't know the damage until after they left. We were on the boat at the time and it felt like a Big Blow but not Tornadoes. A plastic kayak flew at the boat and bent the steel stanchion and broke the wood toe rail but no one was hurt. This is a picture of our destroyed Tennis courts. The wind pushed the fence right down on the court. You could walk right over the fence.

This is another view of the flattened fence that went around the Tennis courts.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avQgoTtmMKA check on this site to see videos of the Tornadoes and a news report. Three young men died at Freeport Harbour when the cranes fell into the ocean there. A lot of damage was done at the golf course, the roof ripped off of an apartment building there and trees were split and pulled up.

This is what is left of the little Conch Hut on Island Seas Beach...all the furniture blew away and part of the building was gone. He didn't open back up, unfortunately.

Blacked-headed Gull on the beach....taking flight.

The Beaches are awesome....I can't stop taking pictures of them. This is the beach in front of Bikini Bottoms, I love the ripples in the sand.

Hank and Diane's catamaran at Ocean Reef, "Adanac". Ning Ning and Robert with the five little dogs live on their boat to the right. Robert is an Oceanographer and works at the Dolphin Experience. Ning Ning is a very clever woman, oceanographer as well and very creative. She knits and crotchets and sells her projects from her website.

We're out kayaking again. We kayak on the canal and the ocean too....on calm days....even if it's calm it's always rough where the canal meets the ocean and the waves come over the front and I'm soaked. Sometimes we kayak to the beach by Island Seas and pull the kayak up on the shore and walk to a little hut further down, now that the Conch Hut is gone, and share a meal of fish and rice and peas, corn on the cob, coleslaw and Sands beer. A meal on the town.

It's Easter weekend and we're having a potluck at Ester's. I got this idea from an email that Ev sent me.

Easter Potluck at Esters. This is Dick and Deb, Hank, Diane, Leslie and his wife, Tom, etc.

Hazel with her new beautiful ring. They are further south now...not sure where...maybe Georgetown.

Santy and Bob toasting Easter.

Irene with her Easter chocolates that Diane Easter Bunny, gave everyone. Diane really knows how to keep us together and happy.

Sharon and Larry. They were on a boat beside us for quite awhile and then they sailed away with Barry and DeeDee to the Abacos.

Sandlings walking along the beech. They are very camouflaged. They were so cute.

Paul snorkeling. The canal is a great place to snorkel. We have Blue Tangs, Parrot Fish, Lion Fish, Yellow Snapper, Damsel, Sergent Majors, and lots of baby fish.

Me on the Beach.

Trish looking at a snail in a puddle of water on the beach.

John found a conch.

A sand dollar....Trish made this into a necklace.

A shell with a hermit crab inside.

John's enjoying his holiday.

Lots of little tiny shells with hermit crabs inside.

John, Trish and Marion....at Monday night's party, Bahamian Night. The yellow ticket is for food and the pink one is for Bahama Mama's. The tickets are free. We get 2 pink tickets.


What a handsome couple.

More Hibiscus.

And more Hibiscus.

Black headed Gulls on the beach.

John on the beach.

What a beautiful beach....lots of quiet space on the beaches.

I don't read as much or as fast as Anthony....he averages about 3 books a week. This is one book I read. I enjoyed it.

Groupers is the restaurant in Ocean Reef.

A Poinciana Tree. The blossoms are amazing.

We're back at Garden of the Groves....I love this place.

Bougainvillea and garden statues. What a beautiful garden. Before the Hurricane in 2004 this Garden was twice the size.

This is the plaque in front of the wooded carvings of the women. It says, "Inspired by the informidable spirit of the Grand Bahamas Community, this work celebrates the graceful images of the Original Bahamians, possibly the Siboney Indians....4,000 years ago....Caribbean, Bahamians and Indians from South America came together on these islands about the time of Jesus Christ. These peoples became the Lucayan Indians....who were here when the Spanish arrived in 1492.
The spirit of these peoples have bowed respectfully to the gale force winds and are now transformed into graceful stance akin to Ariel of William Shakespear's "The Tempest". A classical welcome to this space.

The camera does not do these statues justice. They are amazing to see in real life.


Me and George, a Timeshare friend from Ocean Reef.

Me and Jan, also a Timeshare friend from Ocean Reef.

Erica the birdwatcher teacher from Garden of the Groves suggested this book for birdwatching in the Bahamas. She's giving a course in birdwatching next fall which I hope to take. I got to go birdwatching once with Erica and the other bird watchers. It was amazing.... I added 26 new species to my life list.

This is a history of the Bahamas. I bought it from Garden of the Groves and I just finished it. It is a novel written with the names of the people and historical events woven into a story. I loved it.

I'm trying to learn the plants, birds, fish, ocean creatures and corals of the Bahamas, as well as getting to know the people. It's a GREAT place...I love it.
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