Look at this great spray.

The winds get really strong here and rip out trees bytheir roots. This is Paul walking down the beach.

This is Margaret and woman I befriended the first couple of weeks here. She was selling peanuts out in front of City Market and I was pretty sure she was blind so I went up to her and introduced myself and we have seen each other every week since. I go to her house near downtown Freeport and sometimes we do some Brailling and sometimes we just sit and talk. I usually head out every Tuesday afternoon on my bike to go and visit her. Her son, Jeremy, who is 14 has been at home a couple of times too. She's a great lady and I really enjoy her company.

Margaret and me.

It's Tuesday night and we're at Karaoke. I still can't believe I'm singing Karaoke. I have my 4 favourite songs that are in my range: These Boots are Made for Walking, You're so Vain, Delta Dawn and The Hammer Song. It's a lot of fun and a lot of the boaters, participate, well maybe only Hank, Diane, Anthony and I and then there are all the Timeshare people. Charles is in charge of this too. He is fabulous.

It's more fun singing with your friends....these are Timeshare women enjoying Karaoke with us.

Look at this great paint job on the side of Sarah Jones' boat, "Exodus". She painted it free hand....amazing.

Ohhhhh, this is one of our boat dogs, Suki. She lives on a boat with Robert and Ning Ning and her little husband, Elvis, and her children, Jimmy, Carlos and Freckles. They are long haired Chiwawas....so cute.

Scot, Sarah's crew has arrived from Florida so they are on their way to Georgetown. Sarah is leaving....oh man...she has been here since October so she has been here longer that us. We're going to miss her. We had some great sails and great parties on her boat with Corruption Tours. Now it will only be emails.

Usually a number of the boaters get up in the morning to see other boaters off. So here we are watching and helping Sarah and Scot let go of the lines for the last time at Ocean Reef.

There they are going around the corner in the canal.......byeeeeeee.....safe journey.

Sometimes if there are enough boaters that want to go to the grocery store at the same time we rent a taxi/van and all go at once. That's what we did this day. This is Sawyers. It's a great store for frozen Grouper...the best fish ever. They have most things too. All the stores have a bit different stuff and don't have some stuff....I don't think there is Papaya juice anywhere on the island. No coffeemate at Tompsons and no lettuce or celery sometimes. The prices are different at each store too.

Here we are with all our provisions. John and Karen on the left are from Brockville but they are on their boat at Ocean Reef. They have gone back now. Then Cheryl, her and Ken have gone back to the States, then Ed and he just took his boat home last week and Andy and Isabella who live in Peterborough and have taken their boat back to the States too. I think they are sailing all the way back to Ontario. Everybody is leaving.

This is Mike and Carolyn's boat "Navigator X" and they are on their way home too.

We're all on the dock, seeing them off....safe journey.

Captain Anthony Gifford at Ocean Reef.

This is Hank and Diane's beautiful boat, "Adanac". Hank build it in 7 years. What an awesome boat....so beautiful.

And it's US again.

Ken and Cheryl are leaving too in this picture. Boo hoo all the boaters are leaving us.

There they go. We slipped into their dock after they left because they had a better TV connection for cable. Life is rough you know..... :)

The boat behind them is the Scuba Diving boat. That's the one I take out when I go diving with Fred and Melinda. They are awesome people....very hard workers and excellent people to have taking care of you when you're diving.

This is Stevie, another boat dog from another boat but I can't remember the name of his boat.
This is Bob from "Sea Ya" he also has "Suzy" on board with him a little terrier.
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