Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jeremy, Doris....April 2012

 When I was in the Bahamas three years ago I was looking for a person who was blind so that I could perhaps be of some help.  Some people told me there was a woman who was blind by the City Market in Port Lucaya so I got on my bike to go looking for her.  There she was sitting behind her little table by the grocery store selling peanuts.  She had a poster on her table saying that she was Margaret Russel and that she was blind and to please buy her peanuts and God Bless.  I walked up to her and introduced myself as a retired teacher of the blind and asked her if she would like to learn Braille.  She said she already knew Braille but like to practice it and learn more so...our visits started.  I would take my Perkins Brailler to the parking lot outside the grocery store and Margaret and I would practice Brailling.   Then Margaret became very ill and couldn't come to the City Market any more so I went to her apartment and we did Braille there until she became very weak and couldn't work the Brailler any more so I would pick up a Bahamian meal from a local restaurant and we would share lunch together and visit.  Margaret died that June one day before I left.  I didn't find out until the next year when I returned because my phone had been cut off and I had said my goodbyes the week before.  When I returned the next year I was very sad to hear that Margaret had died.  I went looking for her son Jeremy so that I could continue our brief relationship so this is a picture of Jeremy and me.  We meet every now and then at the KFC near his highschool.  He is a very sweet young man and very handsome, don't you think. 

This is some of Doris Hamilton's pottery.  She calls it Batik Pottery.

This is Doris, granddaughter, Susie, standing in front of the tub that Doris dyes her fabric in.

Doris and Susie in Doris and Chris' kitchen.

Susie and me.

Susie's feet.

Some of Doris' fabric.

 Hand batiked.  Isn't it beautiful?

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