Friday, December 29, 2023

 It's been a lot of years that I have not posted. The sailing really inspired me to write. Where do I start now. I have made a lot of changes in life and in technology. I don't have my pictures on my computer they are all on my phone/camera and on my Canon camera. We had the Amherst Island Bird Count with Bonnie Livingston and Janet Scott organizing and leading us and and putting us into groups then sending us out to spot and identify as many birds as we can. I was with David Pickering, Sharen English, Stephen and Allison Kendell. We saw the .... the birds you would expect to see: blue jays, chickadees, crows, ravens, waxwings...what were they...I'll have to look it up...Canadian Geese, Common Merganzers, Buffleheads, Mute Swans, Northern Harrier, maybe an immature Eagle ummmm I'll have to look at Bonnie's list to remember the others. I have some pics but I'll have to download them onto my computer to upload them onto my computer and put them in my blog. 

Friday is also Lexie Day. I took Lexie shopping and then we tried to hook up her DVD player but didn't have an HDMI cable so I'll drop one off for her next week. 

Tomorrow we are going to Toronto to visit with Bonnie Collington, Doris Mahoney, Jim, Bohden and Janni and Bill. We'll stay overnight at Karen's. She is in Newfoundland visiting her brother and her mom is in respite. 

I'm driving for Driving Miss Daisy to keep myself busy. It's like a taxi but we usually take seniors to Dr. Dentist appointments, hair appointments, their children's places for Christmas, to the airports to go South and sometimes just companionship. I love it. I love my clients and I love driving. I'll get some pictures of that too.

Monday is radio morning on Amherst Island. Anthony and I do The Cheesemaker's Daughter Show 10:00 to 12:00. Sometimes Keith Miller joins us on his harmonica. We have live music for the first half hour then Verna Mann Renaud talks about composers and plays 15 minutes of piano music then I call Hannah Anscomb in Yellowknive to do the Climate Corner for 15 minutes, Judy Wambera does the Poetry Corner for 15 minutes and Joyce Bierma does 15 minutes on anything she wants. OK that's all I want to write now. I'll fill you in more next blog. 

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