Sunday, September 16, 2012

Queen's University

Anthony and I went for a walk around Queen's before we did our grocery shopping for the Cafe'.  I graduated from Queen's in 1975 with a BA BPHE, BA in Psychology and a Bachelor's in Physical and Health Education.  I was on four intercollegiate teams, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Cross-Country Skiing and Field Hockey.  I also worked on a double degree for 4 years and worked in the Gym giving out towels and shorts and officiating volleyball and basketball.

Some of the outsides of the buildings looked like what I remembered, I loved the limestone and the green English Ivy.  I looked for my favourite little library under the Theologian Building but the old library downstairs seemed to be gone or blocked off.

This is the PHE building I spent so much time in working and taking courses and it was closed for renovations and the new building behind it now housed the Phys. Ed. Department so there were no memories in the new building.

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