Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paul and Sharon go to Ocean Reef, Larry and Barb and Doris

Lakeshore Yacht Club in the Bahamas. Yeh! Lakeshore. It was crazy fun to see Barb and Larry in Port Lucaya and having so many Lakeshore Yacht Club people together in the Bahamas.

What a beautiful Bougainvillea Bush.

Look closely and you'll see two guys in the box that is on the end of the crane and they are being lifted to the top of this harnesses, no hard hats, no .........
The building is Pelican Bay Resort in Port Lucaya.

Me...infront of one of the resorts in Port Lucaya...I think is was called..Port Lucaya Resort.

Me and my shadow.

Walking around Port's all tourists. Resorts, resorts, resorts, no residences for local people.

Lots of empty docks.

Another Beach.

We're on our way to West End and this is a pile of Conch Shells. There are piles and piles and piles of these shells all along the way to West End.

A home on the way to West End.

A new Marina that isn't opened yet on the West End....looks good but is probably very expensive.

The new marina...with a chain across the front so that boats can't come into the docks until they are open.

Want to buy an lovely property on the the Bahamas?

Part of the canal.

Diane on "Adanac" from Strathroy, Irene on "Please Yourself" from High Park in Toronto, me and Bob with Irene on "Please Yourself". Happy Birthday Irene.

Hank on "Adanac" from Strathroy, ON. I play Tennis with Hank every morning from 7:45 to 9:30 and then a beer on Tom's boat. It's a rough life.....someone has to do it!

Deb and Dick on "Airrelevant". They are from the states and own a marina there so have headed back home. They have a farm too.

Mike and Carolyn on "Navigator X" from Brockville and Gananoque in Ontario.
They're back home now. They house sit on and island in the Thousand Islands.

Tom from "BASRA" Bahama Air and Sea Rescue, he lives here at Ocean Reef full time on his boat, and rescues people who have had plane or boat accidents or need help. I joined BASRA and got to go out on a rescue once through the canals. An EPIRB had gone off indicating a sinking boat but it was a dysfunctional EPIRB so no emergency. It sure was fun going through the canals and on the ocean in the BASRA rescue boat. I got lots of come.

Oh this must be Bahama Night at Groupers....see the Bahama Mamas on the table. They are free and so is the food and music. Diane is singing with Blair, who had his boat down here and he has another boat at Scarborough Bluffs in Toronto. He had his guitar here and played with us during our Singalongs, often.

Paul Lamont at the wheel on Sarah Jone's boat, "Exodus". Way to go Paul.

Anthony enjoying the sail.

Bohdan at the wheel.

Me being silly.

Bohdan, Sarah and Sharon swimming in the ocean. It was a hot day.

Lakeshore Yacht Club members on the ocean off of Grand Bahama Island. Thinking of all of you back home in Toronto. Come join us.

Paul and Sharon, enjoying a great day of sailing.

The boys from Lakeshore Yacht Club....Bohdan, Paul and Anthony.

Tennis, I'm loving it. Gabe's favourite saying is "No Mercy" with his Panamanian accent, he's my partner right now and we play Hank and Tom. It's a lot of fun and very hot in the sun.

Here I'm playing with Mike from "Navigator X".

Bohdan and Sarah outside of Bohdan's condo at Darshana.

The group in the parking lot.

Summer Feet.

Boo Hoo it's time for Bohdan to go home. He has been here 3 months and has been soo so generous with his condo, car and phones and food and booze.....we will miss you and have missed you. Comeeee Baccccckkkkkkk.

Sarah, Bohdan, Anthony, Paul, Sharon, Irene and Bob. Irene and Bob drove Bohdan to the airport. The rest of us were left behind at Ocean Reef.

Sharon and Paul out kayaking in the canals.

Little shacks on the beach at Eight Mile can buy beer at them, conch fritters, mac and cheese, rice and peas, fish, chicken, coleslaw, etc. We're here for a Junkanoo. It's like Caribbana in Toronto except a lot smaller. Eight Mile Rock is a community were the local people live. The beach is very rocky and rough looking and so beautiful.

The big tankers on the horizon are waiting to go into Freeport Harbour. It gets backed up. The shore line is limestone not sand.

Sarah, Ken, Hank, Paul and Sharon on the beach.

Anthony and Sharon are eating Conch Fritters.

Paul and Sarah enjoying the evening.

The Junkanoo has started. Look at this little guy. What a sweetie and he knows how to work this drum.

One of the floats.
Man the colours were vibrant and it was night time.

All ages were involved in the parade.

This bus was full of costumes and people changing, there weren't any other buildings on the beach and the bus seemed like a great place to get ready for the parade.

No motors here guys.....people inside the floats walking them along.

This was a guy that was helping Ester in her booth. Ester has a booth at Ocean Reef during the day and goes out to Eight Mile Rock in the evenings and runs a food booth out there. She is one hard working woman. Check out this guys eyes. Sarah and Hank are in the background.

This is Sarah giving Diane a rough time. Diane is so shy and Sarah is so not.

Here we are back on the boat, and I'm at the wheel. Paul took this shot.

Great picture of Paul at the wheel.

The girls being silly.

The boys being silly.

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