Friday, February 24, 2012

Pics from friends (Jan. 2012)

Women's Institute Christmas Party in 2011.  I missed it but am a member of the W.I.

Sing along on Friday night at Stella's Cafe'.

Cousin Taylor on Anthony's side with new son William.

Brenda Kennedy from B.C.

Andrew's family, I worked with Andrew at Microscience Computers.  He shared days with Kevin Huber and helped me plenty with using software for students who were blind.

My dear friend, Ann, and her friends at the Home she was staying at in Mississauga.  Sadly, Ann passed last spring.

Anthony on the beach of Sandy Cay in the British Virgin Islands.

My bicycle in the Bahamas.

A sailor friend, Sarah Jones, took this picture in the Bahamas.

My granddaughters Madeline and Becca.

Mom doing dishes and me working in the kitchen at Stella's Cafe'.

Sally and me scuba diving in the Bahamas.

Fisherman friend, Les, and timeshare people with a very big baracuda.

Pic by Don Tubbs at Topsy Farm.

Doris and a friend.

Doris in the middle, husband Chris on one side and daughter Hausa on the other side.

OK, this is called sky fire and it's found in the far North.  Am I right?

Swimming off the boat in the ocean.

Far left is daughter, Jerri, then granddaughter Madeline and Becca.

Grandson Michael, Madeline and Becca.

Grandson Roland in the front here, then Michael, then Mathew, Granddaughter Rachel in friend's arms, beside them, daughter Jerri, then Madeline.  They all live in Calgary.

All of Jerri's family, Roland on her lap, Mathew beside him, Michael to the left of Jerri, in the front Becca on our left and Madeline on our right and on the floor Rachel.

Spotted Eagle Rays spotted in the Canal where our boat is.

Ultrasounds of our granddaughter, Loa.

Laura's house on Amherst Island.

Lei Wei jumping into the sunset in India.

A dear friend Marguerite who passed this winter.  We used to sing together in the choir at MCCT.

Son-in-law, Rich's family, Kevin, Teresa, Rich and Louise.

Great pic of the Boris Aurelis.  From an email.

Grandson Paul at the pool where they rented Eddie Garcia's condo in 2011.

Uncle Bud's family.

Sally took this picture of the polar bear when she went up to Hudson Bay.  Awesome pic Sal.

Sarah Peter's and family.

Pic by Don at Topsy Farm

Pic from the internet.

Terry Culbert presenting us with a painting he did of the Cafe'.  Thanks Terry.

Sister Diane holding her new grandson William.  So precious.

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