Sunday, February 17, 2013

Back in Ontario at Janet's and in Toronto with Loa and family...

House Sparrow through scope in crotch of tree at Janet's feeding station.  I loved those mornings of coffee, chit chat with Janet and a pair of binoculars in my hand watching for birds at the bird feeders.

Loa and her friend Ollie at the Sushi Restaurant with Mom, Auntie Wawa, Ollie's mom Kyla and Oma, me.

We're getting ready to kiss.  Too funny.

My little darling...

One day she found her finger and her nose and all day she kept sticking her finger in her nose and beside it and in it and beside.  Too funny.

Aren't grandbabies great?  Isn't Loa fabulous?

Loa loves the aquarium at the Sushi place.  She watches so closely and quietly trying to touch the fish as the swim by.

The lady that owns the Sushi place and Loa have a very close relationship.  Loa has been going there since before she was born.  Kate and Sarah love Sushi...I do too.

Then we went to Chapters to buy Loa some books and they had these amazingly bright coloured cups, like in disneyland.  Loa loved playing in them.

We're on our way home from Chapters.  Loa in her back seat and Sarah and Kate were there too but I didn't get any pics of them.

It's blurry but it's a pic of Kate.  Doesn't she look like Loa?  I'll try to get a better pic.  This pic is in a frame on the boat.

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