Friday, December 16, 2011

Nov. Deb's Place, Kathy's, Maureen's, etc. (115)

The end of October and into November we went on a road trip to visit friends and family.  These pictures are from Deb Houston's home in Collingwood.

This is a bunkie that is on Deb's land, I think it looks like a perfect little house for me on the Island.  I'm trying to talk Anthony into building me a little bunkie or a Tumbleweed House on Amherst Island.

Deb's B&B, log cabin in Collingwood.  It's beautiful and Deb is a wonderful hostess and a great cook.

Anthony reading and Deb playing guitar in her living room.  What a beautiful place.

Deb playing guitar and singing.

We visited Kathie Laime in Eden Mills too.  Anthony playing guitar and singing in Kathie's living room.

OK... the blog loaded the pictures out of order so this is the new porch on the front of son Michael's house in Ottawa.  Great porch so roomy.

Here I'm on the Frontenac II the ferry that goes back and forth to Amherst Island.  What a great sunset.

We visited in Toronto too, Doris, Maureen, Sarah and Kate, Sally and other friends at LSYC.

Back to Kathie Laime's dining room.  It's like being in a huge tree house.  All of one side is windows.

This is an Island car, our Island car.  What is your first clue that we live on a dirt road?

In Ottawa I visited my best friend Carol Sinclair.  It was so great to re-connect.  Love you Carol.

My granddaughter, Hazel, is now taller than me at the age of 10.

Anthony walking with his son Michael.

Rebecca, Michael's partner is on her way to work.  She works in the Government as an advocate for Burma.  It's very interesting and she goes to Thailand for a month every year to meet with the Burmese people.

Here we're back at Deb's at Blue Mountain Village or Collingwood.  This is Anthony.

Kathie and her daughter Denise.

Anthony and me at Kathie's.  We look like we just woke up.  We did just wake up.

Deb's dog, Jack, running to catch the frisbee.

Castle ruins near Deb's.

The Bruce Trail runs right beside Deb's land.  This is a waterfalls on the Bruce Trail.


Wooden bridge on the Bruce Trail.

Me on the Bruce Trail.

Milk Weed seed pods.

Along the Bruce Trail we found wild grapes and delicious apples.  I ate one of the apples.

I went to visit my girlfriend, Maureen, She carves soap stone.  Isn't this beautiful.  She made the bear and was off to a soap stone carving class the day I visited her.  I never knew anyone that could carve soap stone.  Amazing.

When we were at Deb's it snowed.  Our first snow of the season.  This is Jack.  He loved the snow.

Deb and Anthony sitting at Deb's dining room table.

Deb's livingroom.

Jack at the sliding glass doors.

A picture of Maureen.  I loved the picture so I took a picture of it.  I hope you don't mind I put it in my blog Maureen.

My last student, Niall.  I was teaching at Appleby College and he was in grade 9 and 10.  He has since graduated and this year he's a Huron College at Western University of Ontario.  He is very smart and won many scholarships.  Sorry the picture is fuzzy, that's my fault.  Those two years were the best two years of teaching and Niall was the smartest student I ever had.  Thanks Niall for a great experience and working so hard with me.

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