Sunday, April 29, 2012

BASRA Easter Egg Hunt

Amily is the daughter of the owners of Ocean Reef, where we dock our boat.

Carol and Anthony enjoying lunch on the beach.

This is the area for egg hunting for 4 to 10 year olds. Here we buried the eggs under the sand.  It's ribboned off and the kids are getting ready to dig.

They were giving away these crazy hats as prizes.  Madame Carol is posing for me in one.

Tom and me.  I'm selling food tickets and Tom is selling BASRA clothing.  It's on of their biggest fund raisers.

The 11 to adult hunt is in the water.  They filled the plastic eggs with sand and then buried them in the sand under the water so here is the beginning of that hunt.  The eggs were all numbered and they would bring them back to us and there was a prize connected to each number.  For the older one there were ipods, etc.  What a fun day.

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